Oh, Thank you, thank you for this. I have pre-ordered your book. For some time now, I have been watching in horror, awe, and with deep questioning, the parroting responses from those under the influence of the CVD propaganda. Individuals I formerly thought to be quite astute, and capable of at least an above average level of intelligence, were responding and quoting a clearly false narrative. A narrative that a two year old would be able to unravel. I wondered to myself if the V had indeed caused an actual change to the mental functioning of these individuals, because mass hypnosis, all though a huge factor, did not seem to explain all. Without the necessary medical background I was left to only imagine. Thank yoU! There is some reassurance in this, horrible as it is.

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I loved reading this, it put order to some of the behavior I've been noticing in people around me for the last few years. It's always hard to

imagine a group of people, let alone governments, initiating any attack like this on a worldwide scale when things like the US post office can't even get their act together, but I have to think something coordinated is going on, because I can understand why fear driven masked people huddled in their homes, but I couldn't for the life of me understand why entire countries participated in such a large scale coordinated attack on civil liberties and individual freedom, despite the damage it does to their own "bottom line" - I started guessing it is either a short term investment for some fantastical long term plan for a payoff, or the leaders of the participating countries were also swept up in some type of mind control... because even a cursory glance along with even a modicum of critical thinking reveals the "Covid mitigation" procedures to be laughable.

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The bottom line of many of the great Corps and Dynasties were enhanced.

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The ruling class doesn’t care much about the post office. They care about geopolitics, etc.

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Thanks, this gave a lot of Aha’s.

And the Rudolf Steiner quote 100 yrs ago (1917 I think): ‘In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine’…

Those behind this attack, have studied humans for a long time.

Just really sad, that your message didn’t reach people in time…. Why didn’t scientists speak out?

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The vaxx hesitants know too much by now to be convinced by anything. Nevertheless pre-ordered your book from Portugal.

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Jabscism, GoldMorgs warned against jabscism

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What year was Freeman awarded the Nobel Prize, and what section?

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