Interesting. On the periodic table, lithium is one above sodium which is one above potassium. They're all electron donors +1. Lithium is better than sodium than potassium in giving up the electron.
On the other hand, when you look at the other side of the table, Fluorine then chlorine then bromine then iodine. Here they are -1, meaning they strip electrons. F is strongest, then cl and so on.
Interesting because iodine is the one that helps us a lot too. The less grabby -1 is best as the most giving up +1 Li.
On a side note, zn is by the middle on top. Below it, is cadmium which is toxic, probably because it competes for what zn uses, just like the F taking over Cl and I.
BTW!!!! The cause is NOT spike protein. It's a symptom of cell death.
The LNPs and peg are the real issue. They are hard to eliminate and create clots all over.
Way way before the mRNA and spike, they had same issues with the platform!!! (See link below)
We need to stop giving credit to "COVID" "spike protein" mythology! It takes away from the fact that the platform is garbage. Same with past vaccines, it's not the live or dead virus but the adjuvants that cause the issues.
Ivermectin has helped and I believe because it helps detox.
Also this is critical. Not just DMSO but others which can help break down other things that are not soluble with DMSO. I use them on the skin over my problem areas, like my neck and shoulders.
There's a big thing about castor oil packs put over the liver too but I haven't done that as I have minimal issues.
You mention ‘LPNs and PEG are hard to eliminate and create clots all over’. Are you able to share any links to this information? I am very interested in this topic (family member affected) and would greatly appreciate any information you have. Thank you very much.
I am unaware of any evidence that ivermectin or HCQ affect LNPs or peg. Yet both work dramatically, suggesting the virus protein is the problem--whether jab or illness--though no doubt the other junk in the jabs is bad.
Also a thought to include herbal bitters which behave similar to ivermectin and hcq, wormwood, thistle, dandelion, etc all do a great deal of liver and kidney cleansing, just that no studies exist to show how nature would deal with a toxic injection- unless you really want to keep using the pharma tools to try to understand nature’s remedies and remember all drugs are designed to have limited effects so that they can prove a method of treatment effective.
I see the crossover with the idea that spike attacks those organs , but really doesn’t matter what you call the thing that is poisoning you - just know you are being poisoned and need to cleanse the body
Here's my anecdotal experience: 5mg of Lithium orotate seems to be helping with my particular circumstances (brain fog post lacunar infarct to the ventral posterolateral thalamus region). I believe that Dr. Nehls alluded to the preferential use of orotate over aspartate in his book, The Indoctrinated Brain. Correct me if I'm wrong.
It will be interesting to see how Dr. McCullough responds to Dr. Nehls.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. As a physician disabled by vaccine injury/PACS, who has tried almost everything, hearing your Carlson interview and reading your book led me and my healers to lithium, which has brought my mind back from the fog. I believe you and Bredesen are on the right track for prevention of AD. You are doing a huge service to human health. May God bless you and yours.
Thank you for this Dr. Nehls, I told my neurosurgeon in Canada about you - he was very curious about your research. Can you please let us know if there is any hope for alleviating chronic saccular and utricular vertigo, made worse by anxiety? Lithium, sadly does not help this. It has helped with cognitive issues from post viral syndrome though, I feel like my hippocampus has grown again! But the vertigo is an absolute nightmare, I can't move, exercise, the disequilibrium is very bad and I am *dying* to exercise. It is triggered by something basic like stepping on a stool. Please help :-). Many thanks! Paulina
Paulina, the curricular vertigo can be caused by tiny crystals that break apart. I had two friends with severe vertigo that went to a chiropractor who did a maneuver and they were both cured in one visit. I assume your neurologist would know about this though. Here's a link.
No Epley maneuver doesn't work because I don't have BPPV. I have the worst kind of vertigo, saccular and utricular, completely different (and untreatable) from BPPV.
Can't get over how people are still reerring to covid as though it is real. Now by callling some unspecified condition "long covid". Show where covid exists - you can't, because even the CDC can't and many researchers have tried and come up blank. So please, be avccurate otherwise it's hard to believe anything else you write. Maybe there are several diseases that are coming from chemtrails or fluoridated water or both and more in combination. Why doesn't anyone recognize these factors in ways it surely would impact our health?
It is impossible to get lower dose than 150mg litth orotate in south africa. Though it works wonders, i feel i gained weight by taking 150mg per day. I am taking it now once a week. Will see if it works. It works well for insomnia and keeps me calm.
Thank you for the clarification, Dr Nehls. Some years ago I read neurologist Russell Blaylock's book 'The Taste That Kills', explaining the negative consequences to the brain of aspartate, particularly in Aspartame. Do you think it's possible that the aspartate itself in lithium aspartate is affecting the overall benefits of lithium?
Lithium aspartate is a compound made from lithium and aspartic acid (an amino acid), whereas aspartame is a completely different substance, which is an artificial sweetener made from aspartic acid and phenylalanine. (Team of Dr. Nehls)
McCullough uses an overly broad brush, imo. The referenced study isn’t nearly comprehensive enough for him to use as solid support for his statement. There are certainly questions that are worth pursuing; namely, effectiveness of lithium aspartate vs lithium orotate, dosage, and length of study. Three weeks seems quite short and dosing may be below levels for manifesting desired outcomes. Perhaps his goal is to promote his own therapeutics over others, but condemning lithium based on this study alone is unfounded, overly zealous, and irresponsible.
Its worth remembering that very intelligent people can be right on some things and wrong on others.
In my article 'Lithium, the Essential Trace Element,' ( I present arguments for why lithium in microdoses of about 1 mg of pure lithium (approximately 25.7 mg of lithium orotate monohydrate, which is the common chemical form of lithium orotate, slightly reducing the lithium content compared to lithium orotate itself) per day could represent a sensible baseline intake, potentially meeting what I believe to be an essential need.
A low dose of 5 mg of pure lithium (around 128.5 mg of lithium orotate monohydrate) per day could, on the other hand, be useful for treating existing neuroinflammation; it might be beneficial for conditions such as Long-COVID and Post-Vac (spikeopathy), chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, and neurodegenerative diseases like depression, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.
Please note: Although the dosages mentioned here are derived from the scientific literature cited in my article, I cannot assume responsibility for the tolerability and effectiveness of lithium in your specific case. Therefore, please discuss the suggested dosages with your trusted physician.
Thank you Dr. Nehls, I am presently taking 30mg of Lithium Orotate but my neurosurgeon who is so impressed with you (I told him about you here in Canada, major university hospital) wants me to go higher - to 50mg, which would put me at 2mg elemental Lithium. The lithium helped with cognitive function in the sense that I felt my hippocampus has grown again and I am able to think and learn again but it has done nothing for chronic saccular and utricular vertigo and disequilibrium which inhibits my ability to move and exercise, for nearly 5 years now, which is killing me, all I want is some good exercise! Are there any hints for vertigo? I think the damage is either in my vestibular nuclei or neurons, not in the inner ear. I basically feel like someone is punching my head all the time and that my brain floats inside my skull and can't find its place. Please write something about vertigo, I can't find anything more. Is it related to mitochondrial dysfunction? Is it related to histamine intolerance?
Hi, I just would like to add that Recall/4life helped me with the vertigo. You could take 2-6 capsules each night for many weeks and see how it goes. Send me an email if you want to know more.
Interesting. On the periodic table, lithium is one above sodium which is one above potassium. They're all electron donors +1. Lithium is better than sodium than potassium in giving up the electron.
On the other hand, when you look at the other side of the table, Fluorine then chlorine then bromine then iodine. Here they are -1, meaning they strip electrons. F is strongest, then cl and so on.
Interesting because iodine is the one that helps us a lot too. The less grabby -1 is best as the most giving up +1 Li.
On a side note, zn is by the middle on top. Below it, is cadmium which is toxic, probably because it competes for what zn uses, just like the F taking over Cl and I.
BTW!!!! The cause is NOT spike protein. It's a symptom of cell death.
The LNPs and peg are the real issue. They are hard to eliminate and create clots all over.
Way way before the mRNA and spike, they had same issues with the platform!!! (See link below)
We need to stop giving credit to "COVID" "spike protein" mythology! It takes away from the fact that the platform is garbage. Same with past vaccines, it's not the live or dead virus but the adjuvants that cause the issues.
Does the human body and systems have the capability to remove the "LNP's and peg" that you mentioned?
Ivermectin has helped and I believe because it helps detox.
Also this is critical. Not just DMSO but others which can help break down other things that are not soluble with DMSO. I use them on the skin over my problem areas, like my neck and shoulders.
There's a big thing about castor oil packs put over the liver too but I haven't done that as I have minimal issues.
Thank you!
You mention ‘LPNs and PEG are hard to eliminate and create clots all over’. Are you able to share any links to this information? I am very interested in this topic (family member affected) and would greatly appreciate any information you have. Thank you very much.
There's not much info on that but here's my article which mentions another lnp based shot having myocarditis issues (links below).
Other than that, I'm going by what I've heard, like Dr Bhakdi mentioning that opthalmologists were finding micro clots in the eyes.
I also follow terrain theory which is a much more logical approach to disease instead of the mumbo jumbo germ theory mythology of disease.
Look into dmso, castor oil and others to help dissolve the junk.
The link at the bottom is the study where they found issues with non mRNA shots
thank you Rob agreed 100%
I am unaware of any evidence that ivermectin or HCQ affect LNPs or peg. Yet both work dramatically, suggesting the virus protein is the problem--whether jab or illness--though no doubt the other junk in the jabs is bad.
Ivermectin and hcq are also used to deal with auto immune conditions. No viruses there.
I think auto immune conditions are primarily caused by toxins, like aluminum and whatever else is in the COVID shots.
Ivermectin and hcq help the liver in eliminating, which would explain why it works for many conditions, not just parasitic infections.
If you wanna get your mind blown, another anti parasitic has had good results with cancer!
Also a thought to include herbal bitters which behave similar to ivermectin and hcq, wormwood, thistle, dandelion, etc all do a great deal of liver and kidney cleansing, just that no studies exist to show how nature would deal with a toxic injection- unless you really want to keep using the pharma tools to try to understand nature’s remedies and remember all drugs are designed to have limited effects so that they can prove a method of treatment effective.
I see the crossover with the idea that spike attacks those organs , but really doesn’t matter what you call the thing that is poisoning you - just know you are being poisoned and need to cleanse the body
When I see whatever they claim is spike, I see it as the result of damage.
It's like seeing broken concrete and saying that the broken bits caused it.
For some reason allopathic medicine is taught to see the result as the cause....
Upside down world.
FenBen for human use.
Here's my anecdotal experience: 5mg of Lithium orotate seems to be helping with my particular circumstances (brain fog post lacunar infarct to the ventral posterolateral thalamus region). I believe that Dr. Nehls alluded to the preferential use of orotate over aspartate in his book, The Indoctrinated Brain. Correct me if I'm wrong.
It will be interesting to see how Dr. McCullough responds to Dr. Nehls.
Dr. Nehls,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. As a physician disabled by vaccine injury/PACS, who has tried almost everything, hearing your Carlson interview and reading your book led me and my healers to lithium, which has brought my mind back from the fog. I believe you and Bredesen are on the right track for prevention of AD. You are doing a huge service to human health. May God bless you and yours.
Thank you for this Dr. Nehls, I told my neurosurgeon in Canada about you - he was very curious about your research. Can you please let us know if there is any hope for alleviating chronic saccular and utricular vertigo, made worse by anxiety? Lithium, sadly does not help this. It has helped with cognitive issues from post viral syndrome though, I feel like my hippocampus has grown again! But the vertigo is an absolute nightmare, I can't move, exercise, the disequilibrium is very bad and I am *dying* to exercise. It is triggered by something basic like stepping on a stool. Please help :-). Many thanks! Paulina
Paulina, the curricular vertigo can be caused by tiny crystals that break apart. I had two friends with severe vertigo that went to a chiropractor who did a maneuver and they were both cured in one visit. I assume your neurologist would know about this though. Here's a link.
No Epley maneuver doesn't work because I don't have BPPV. I have the worst kind of vertigo, saccular and utricular, completely different (and untreatable) from BPPV.
Can't get over how people are still reerring to covid as though it is real. Now by callling some unspecified condition "long covid". Show where covid exists - you can't, because even the CDC can't and many researchers have tried and come up blank. So please, be avccurate otherwise it's hard to believe anything else you write. Maybe there are several diseases that are coming from chemtrails or fluoridated water or both and more in combination. Why doesn't anyone recognize these factors in ways it surely would impact our health?
It is impossible to get lower dose than 150mg litth orotate in south africa. Though it works wonders, i feel i gained weight by taking 150mg per day. I am taking it now once a week. Will see if it works. It works well for insomnia and keeps me calm.
Thank you for the clarification, Dr Nehls. Some years ago I read neurologist Russell Blaylock's book 'The Taste That Kills', explaining the negative consequences to the brain of aspartate, particularly in Aspartame. Do you think it's possible that the aspartate itself in lithium aspartate is affecting the overall benefits of lithium?
Lithium aspartate is a compound made from lithium and aspartic acid (an amino acid), whereas aspartame is a completely different substance, which is an artificial sweetener made from aspartic acid and phenylalanine. (Team of Dr. Nehls)
Good clarifications, Dr. Nehls.
McCullough uses an overly broad brush, imo. The referenced study isn’t nearly comprehensive enough for him to use as solid support for his statement. There are certainly questions that are worth pursuing; namely, effectiveness of lithium aspartate vs lithium orotate, dosage, and length of study. Three weeks seems quite short and dosing may be below levels for manifesting desired outcomes. Perhaps his goal is to promote his own therapeutics over others, but condemning lithium based on this study alone is unfounded, overly zealous, and irresponsible.
Its worth remembering that very intelligent people can be right on some things and wrong on others.
It is prohibited in Europe to trade lithium orotate (1 mg). It is not clear to me why. I can't buy it anywhere in Europe.
Looking forward to The Lithium Complot.
On seveal occassions i attempted lithium orotate, unfortunately it resulsted in idioventricular rhythm
Lithium oratate daily of 5mg... Your previous interviews had the recommendation at 1mg daily? At which dose does it start harming the kidneys?
In my article 'Lithium, the Essential Trace Element,' ( I present arguments for why lithium in microdoses of about 1 mg of pure lithium (approximately 25.7 mg of lithium orotate monohydrate, which is the common chemical form of lithium orotate, slightly reducing the lithium content compared to lithium orotate itself) per day could represent a sensible baseline intake, potentially meeting what I believe to be an essential need.
A low dose of 5 mg of pure lithium (around 128.5 mg of lithium orotate monohydrate) per day could, on the other hand, be useful for treating existing neuroinflammation; it might be beneficial for conditions such as Long-COVID and Post-Vac (spikeopathy), chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, burnout, and neurodegenerative diseases like depression, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.
Please note: Although the dosages mentioned here are derived from the scientific literature cited in my article, I cannot assume responsibility for the tolerability and effectiveness of lithium in your specific case. Therefore, please discuss the suggested dosages with your trusted physician.
Thank you Dr. Nehls, I am presently taking 30mg of Lithium Orotate but my neurosurgeon who is so impressed with you (I told him about you here in Canada, major university hospital) wants me to go higher - to 50mg, which would put me at 2mg elemental Lithium. The lithium helped with cognitive function in the sense that I felt my hippocampus has grown again and I am able to think and learn again but it has done nothing for chronic saccular and utricular vertigo and disequilibrium which inhibits my ability to move and exercise, for nearly 5 years now, which is killing me, all I want is some good exercise! Are there any hints for vertigo? I think the damage is either in my vestibular nuclei or neurons, not in the inner ear. I basically feel like someone is punching my head all the time and that my brain floats inside my skull and can't find its place. Please write something about vertigo, I can't find anything more. Is it related to mitochondrial dysfunction? Is it related to histamine intolerance?
Hi, I just would like to add that Recall/4life helped me with the vertigo. You could take 2-6 capsules each night for many weeks and see how it goes. Send me an email if you want to know more.
Wow! Thank you!! I will email you :-)