Hi Michael

I want to draw your attention to nutrient deficit and causative correlation to dementia and alzheimers symptoms.

The first symptom of dehydration is a headache. This is how quickly dehydration effects the brain. From our schooled daze we have been trained to ignore our bodily needs for toilet and water until the bell rings. Headaches treated with aspirin and Panadol instead of salt plus water.

Then in the 80s government dietary advice had us avoid salt as if it were a poison.

So the population of elderly people, especially women, are now reaping the ills from chronic salt deficits. Women (womb) have more mucosa to maintain hence greater requirement for salt.

Hyponatremia or low salt or dehydration are all the same thing. Hyponatremia is deadly.

The adrenals are the emergency organs that make major adjustments to rectify hyponatremia. But they don’t just produce aldosterone, they produce all their adrenalcortical hormones.

If the body is subjected to chronic dehydration or chronic low salt, the adrenals must also become chronically productive instead of responding emergency call outs.

The adrenals have two choices: exhaustion or hyperplasia. So now think about: unexplained hypertension, unexplained diabetes, unexplained anxiety ...

Meanwhile everything gets sticky instead of slick as chronic dehydration robs the body of essential moisture.

Hip and knee replacements because the joints are raided for salts and once the salt goes, moisture is lost.

So my take is a mis-functioning brain is a dehydrated brain. A sticky brain instead of a moist slick brain. Hence plaques showing up.

My article is titled:

We breathe air not oxygen

And I explain the difference between air and oxygen

How the lungs rehydrate the RBCs and breathing has nothing to do with a gaseous exchange.

Why is oxygen toxic and it can kill?

Why is oxygen primarily prescribed for the terminally ill and not for breathlessness?

Palliative care is not kind!

Jane333 dot Substack dot com

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Very interesting response. I had never heard of the salt connection and dehydration with deteriorating hip and knee joints.

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Fine points, Jane. As I sit here reading this with a headache because I had less water today than I should have and NO salt, I look like this:🙄 It just never crosses my mind until my head hurts. I need to fix this problem. Thank you for sharing.

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In your book "Das erschoepfte Gehirn" on p.240 you recommend 2 to 3 grams Omega 3 supplement per day. I'm currently taking a daily dosis of 7.5ml fish oil which contains 1150mg EPA, 795mg DHA and 455mg other omega 3 fatty acids. So this seems (just quite) sufficient, but here comes my question. Is this fish oil really sooo contaminated, or do the benefits outweigh contamination? I could switch to Algae pills, but here in South Africa they are more expensive and I would have to take about 5 per day to achieve the same amount of omega3 (this on top of 5 other kinds of pills) .

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Any thoughts on methylene blue for Alzheimer's?

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Michael, will the two items mentioned as being in German only, be available in English any time soon?

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That is not clear yet. The good thing is that my book, The Indoctrinated Brain, draws on these parts of my study as well, and puts them in perspective. But I'll keep you posted here when translations are coming up.

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Michael, I'm lacking a Social bone in my body. I'm a loner, and no good with small talk. I can see how missing out on community relationships can play a part in Alz, but, at 63, Idk if I can correct that part of my personality. That part scares me the most. I drink liquid courage when I must be in social situations but without that I'm a ball of anxiety. Any ideas or words of encouragement?

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Hi SBJanet

You may find some clues as to your anxiety in my article: how does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

I link the adrenals with low salt consumption or chronic dehydration. Same same.

Dehydration is an emergency and all emergencies are managed by the adrenals. So you can feel anxiety for no good reason. Even panic with no reason.

Because adrenaline is working to sustain low blood volume.

Water follows salt. Hydration is a two player game. Hydration equals SALT plus water.

I have a list of symptoms for low salt/dehydration and I suggest people learn these. So you remember a headache or even slight head pressure is a sign of dehydration and you can remedy with salt plus water.

The brain is extremely sensitive to dehydration. I say dementia is a result of chronic dehydration. Each time the tide goes out, the brain becomes dysfunctional and eventually compromised.

Click on my blue icon to read

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Thank you. I stay hydrated and use pure Lake Deborah Salt. It's more of a self-consciousness from AuDHD. I'm a bit odd 🙃 The fewer who know that about me, the better I feel about myself. I'm very often misunderstood, so I avoid interactions with ppl not in my trusted family/close friendships.

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