Thanks for digging deep into vitamin D.

Years before covid, before "spike protein", the lipids were found to be toxic.... Why did they go with multiple dose shots? Why are people falling for the spike protein while ignoring the real issue?

"Spike protein" is the result of cell death, not the cause...

of those not jabbed, many got poisoned by remdesevir and other toxic drugs, later deemed to be long covid...


Other examples of how medicine blames the result as the cause :

-Prions are the result of damage, not the cause which is likely pesticides as cows in England were given stronger ones that they mount around the neck.

-beta amyloid plaque, the result of damage, not the cause of Alzheimer's. Dr Christopher Exley found almost all of the brains of those who died from Alzheimer's had high levels of aluminum in the brain... The type that comes from 💉.


"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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I certainly believe Vitamin D is crucial for our health and I have been taking it by supplementation (standard Vit D capsules). But I have found information that says these supplements are just a toxic man made chemical. Does anyone know if that is true? One source: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-is-rat-poison-the-fraudulent

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The LD50 for cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) in rats is 42 mg/kg. Assuming a rat weighs 500 grams, 21 mg of Vitamin D3 or 840,000 IU would kill approximately 50 percent of the rats that ingested this enormous dose. For comparison, in a human weighing 72 kg, this would equate to about 60,000,000 IU.

This underscores the principle that with all substances, the dose makes the poison. Just for comparison: to achieve a health-protective vitamin D prohormone level of approximately 125 (100-150) nmol/l, about 4-6,000 IU of vitamin D would be required. That's 10,000 times less than the calculated lethal dose.

Here's another example:

The LD50 for potassium in rats is 2.6 grams/kg. Again, assuming a rat weighs 500 grams, 1.3 grams of potassium would kill 50 percent of the rats that ingested this relatively small dose. For a human weighing 72 kg, approximately 190 grams would be necessary. However, an adult already requires about 4 grams of potassium daily. That's only about 50 times less than the lethal dose. In other words, potassium, like vitamin D, is essential for life but 200 times more lethal in relative dosage.

The question arises: why did the EU approve vitamin D at this gigantic dosage as rat poison on April 23, 2019? As is well known, a few months later, SARS-CoV-2 left the laboratory in Wuhan, triggering the COVID-19 pandemic. Few believe this was accidental. It must not be forgotten that with a vitamin D prohormone level of 125 nmol/l, hardly anyone would have died from COVID-19.

Yet, instead of protecting people with this natural preventive strategy, lockdowns were imposed, and many other measures violating our fundamental rights were pushed forward, including the experimental gene therapy program, which also caused enormous harm to many people.

Instead of promoting the intake of vitamin D to correct the clearly life-threatening deficiency, everything was done from official and media sides to prevent the intake of vitamin D (the perfidious logic of which I describe in my book "The Indoctrinated Brain"). This certainly did not happen by chance either.

To name just a few propagandistic approaches: "danger of overdose," "does not work against COVID-19," "Nazi ideology," "the elderly don't need vitamin D even if deficient," to the claim "vitamin D increases the risk of cancer" (see my detailed article on vitamin D). Now, with the EU regulation of 2019, another anti-vitamin D slogan is added: rat poison!

The absurdity of the anti-vitamin D propaganda is incomprehensible from a medical perspective and, at the same time, if successful, actually deadly. People die from the health consequences of the deficiency!

By the way, most conventional rat poisons consist of blood thinners that lead to the bleeding out of the animals. They are often the same active ingredients used in human medicine to prevent blood clotting. But hardly any doctor will tell their patient that they have prescribed rat poison. Because it's the dose that makes the poison!


1. https://gestis.dguv.de/data?name=100386

2. https://www.umco.de/de/blog/artikel/Biozider-Wirkstoff-Cholecalciferol-fuer-Rodentizide-genehmigt.html; https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32019R0637&from=EN"

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Thanks so much for the detailed reply! The EU approval just before C19 is suspicious indeed.

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There have been many of supplement companies that have sold out, and it’s not only very unfortunate but disturbing as well. No doubt the medical mafia is behind it of course.

I guess the only true way to know what you’re getting is if the supplement has been lab verified. And would hope they provide the lab results too. The only one I know for a fact that lab verifies, with him own lab, is Mike Adams at Natural News. If it’s bad, he won’t sell it on his site.

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Thanks for writing "The Indoctrinated Brain" Dr Michael Nehls (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/167898031-the-indoctrinated-brain). It was introduced to me in your great interview with Mike Adams Health Ranger https://www.brighteon.com/c2491ae2-4a28-4e74-97a5-d94894a3f56f

I just ordered it, and can't wait to read.

Another thing: Comments are limited to paid Substack subscribers in your latest post ... Perhaps consider allowing everybody to comment, also non-subscribers? Not everyone has the resources required. Also, I think in the bigger picture, that user interaction in a lively comment section will help sell more books, and spread the good word more efficiently is what it's all about, right?

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Epoch Times did a great article on how vitamin D would prevent a second deadlier wave of covid-19 all the way back on April 27, 2020. This is the first published widely distributed acknowledgement of the essential role of vitD in preventing infection and serious complications from covid https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/preventing-a-possible-second-deadlier-wave-of-covid-19-in-fall-3312731

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Some more about Vit D3 on http//:Trumpland.net/33 that is http without s.

Shortage of Vit D3 among the population is being persisted. It enables another wave of death among very old people by the spread of another virus, as a pretext for injecting the popülation with more detrimental programming. It facilitates non-jabbed to be polluted by shedders.

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